Tofino is the much-adored official greeter in the BrightLine Group Boulder office. He excels at sleeping and wagging his tail. He often attends meetings and contributes to the conversations in his own special way. Tofino reminds us of what’s important in life: taking time to say hello and helping everyone feel their best.
Certifications & Education
Guide Dogs for the Blind In Training
What is your favorite trail?
The Dakota Ridge trail, in the foothills of Boulder.
What's the best place you've ever visited?
I love coming into the office everyday to see all my friends, but I gotta say my favorite place is North Boulder Park. You just can’t beat those smells!
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?
Oh boy! If I could have opposable thumbs, it would be a whole new world for me.
What are your special talents?
Oh, I’m pretty good at finding sticks…I love sticks. I’m also really good at meeting new people. I love when Bella lets me say hi to my new friends.
How do you recharge?
Well, I like to nap. I’m pretty good at napping. But I would just eat sticks all day if I could.
What are your life goals?
All my cousins are guides, so I guess my life goal is to be a guide dog like them. But if it were really up to me, I think I would like to be a stick detective. I would sniff all the sticks in the land to find the best ones, and then I would share all the sticks with my friends.