Earth Day: an opportunity each year to take action to help our planet. Climate action is needed, and we each have a role.

The first Earth Day in 1970 grew out of an emerging environmental consciousness and the knowledge that a polluted environment threatens human health. More than 20 million Americans raised their voices to express concerns about oil spills, toxic dumps, polluting factories and power plants, as well as the loss of wilderness and threatened wildlife. From that first Earth Day various initiatives were formed and laws were enacted to protect humans and other species. Twenty years later Earth Day was expanded to a global stage with recycling a hot topic; more recently the focus has shifted to climate action and clean energy.

BrightLine Group is serious about creating a more sustainable future, particularly through our area of expertise: energy efficiency. Our team empowers clients with the knowledge to mitigate climate change so future generations can thrive in a clean, healthy environment. That’s our charge. We do this through energy efficiency program planning, design, implementation, and evaluation; program management; energy audits and other technology assessments; and guiding clients through sustainability initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint.

Earth Day 2023’s theme is #InvestInOurPlanet, which highlights the importance of dedicating our time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues. Investing in our planet is necessary to protect it and the best way to pave a path towards a prosperous future. At BrightLine we invest by utilizing our energy efficiency expertise—along with our engineering and analytics chops—to provide technical solutions to clients to mitigate climate change.  

If you’re looking for a way to invest in our planet this year, check out this map to find local activities. When we join others to take action, we can amplify our message: we are all responsible for making a more sustainable future.

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