Whether your organization wants to be at the forefront of climate action, or to simply identify no-regrets steps to become a more climate-friendly operation, the BrightLine team can help. We bring community and program planning experience, as well as engineering and technical savvy, to help your organization chart a path forward.
Brightline staff is experienced in drafting policy and regulatory language that reflects a community’s commitment and values while aligning with existing content and avoiding unintended consequences. Whether you’re looking to lay a policy foundation for climate action in your community’s comprehensive plan, or to refresh your land use regulations to better accommodate renewable energy and EV charging infrastructure, we will work with your team to facilitate a collaborative process that identifies and integrates best-fit solutions.
SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIC PLANS. What should we aim for and how do we get there from here?

CLIMATE ACTION: Achieve rapid and deep greenhouse gas emission reductions and strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to withstand climate-induced impacts.
SUSTAINABILITY: The use, development, and protection of resources in a way that enables a community or organization to meet their needs and maintain a high quality of life without compromising the ability of future residents to do the same, and while ensuring protection and enhancement of naturally occurring ecosystems and their native species populations.